Warm Handoff 2 - Case Transition Staffing 607-05-35-30-01
(New 12/1/20 ML 3601)
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PI 22-10
Warm Handoff 2 – case transition staffing must be held between the CPS worker, assigned case manager, and their supervisors or designees within three (3) business days of case assignment. During the case transition staffing, communication will include the following full kit of information:
- Present danger assessment and present danger plan (when applicable to the case);
- CPS assessment, including the status of impending danger;
- Safety determination;
- Safety plan review to ensure it continues to be sufficient, feasible, and sustainable; and
- Strategy for family engagement to include:
- Plan for initial contact between the CPS worker, case manager, and the family,
- Whether a referral for an FCE meeting has been completed or is needed, and
- Potential members for the child and family team.
There will be situations in which a child must enter an emergency out-of-home placement immediately, or family needs are such that it is determined services must be implemented prior to completion of the CPS assessment. In these situations, a case transition staffing must still take place. However, the information shared may not comprise a full kit. It is imperative the CPS worker and case manager stay in close communication during that time frame. Once the CPS assessment is complete, the CPS worker and case manager and their supervisors will formalize the case transition, at which time the CPS worker’s involvement will end.
Attention to child safety is critical during the transition to case management. Key elements associated with safety management oversight include:
• Ongoing contact with parents/caregivers and the child;
• Evaluation of the safety plan; and
• Immediate adjustment of the safety plan.
Each of these key elements are further described below.